We need your blood!

Phil blogged about The Serenity Foundation’s National Blogger Blood Drive (say that 5 times fast!) but I wanted to write about it as well.

Serenity received many, many blood transfusions in the early weeks of her battle with ALL. It was almost miraculous to witness how much better she would feel after receiving someone else’s […]

Phil blogged about The Serenity Foundation’s National Blogger Blood Drive (say that 5 times fast!) but I wanted to write about it as well.


Serenity received many, many blood transfusions in the early weeks of her battle with ALL. It was almost miraculous to witness how much better she would feel after receiving someone else’s blood over the course of 3 hours. While I have always had an appreciation for blood donation, seeing it save my daughter’s life & restore her vitality really brought home the importance of this.

On July 30, we will be sponsoring a blood drive in Draper, Utah. It goes from 3 pm to 8 pm and there will be food (I think), movies, and really awesome company. PLEASE if you are able, come donate blood. Here is a list of donor requirements. If you can’t donate blood I hope that you will still stop by to say hi and show your support of those of us with needles sticking out of our arms. ;)

ARUP is the sole provider of blood to Primary Children’s Medical Center, where Serenity is treated.

They are holding several promotion this summer, so when you donate blood you could win a free car or a $50 gas card. (Someone from our group will win a gas card.)

The location of the blood drive is Twelve Horses. They are located at 13961 South Minuteman Drive, Suite 125, Draper, Utah. According to MapQuest, if you are coming from the south take the 14600 SO./UT-140 exit, EXIT 288. Turn right onto Highland Drive and left onto Minuteman Drive.

Please help us spread the word by blogging about this, or promote it on Digg, Stumble, or Twitter. Tag your entries #tsfblood. We would love to have a great turnout.

If you are not nearby but would like to organize a blood drive in your area, please let us know how we can help.

Interim Maintenance – the 3rd stage of treatment for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Tuesday night Serenity seemed to be in a lot of pain. She was crying and hysterical but wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. I think it was her legs hurting but I still am not positive. Finally, we gave her some oxycodone and she quickly drifted off to sleep.
Wednesday morning we had […]

Tuesday night Serenity seemed to be in a lot of pain. She was crying and hysterical but wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. I think it was her legs hurting but I still am not positive. Finally, we gave her some oxycodone and she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Wednesday morning we had another clinic visit. She was a little crabby all morning. We had to be in Salt Lake at 8:30 a.m…..no easy feat! But we made it only ten minutes late.

There is always a little craft for her to work on while we are waiting for our turn to be seen.


We saw a doctor and a nurse practitioner we hadn’t seen before. I really liked the nurse practitioner. Serenity has been complaining about her eyes a lot. Again, I don’t know whether they itch, or hurt, or what. They haven’t been red and she can still see, but they occasionally water and she rubs them a lot. The nurse practitioner prescribed some liquid Claritin in case it’s allergies. I have really bad seasonal allergies but I don’t think that it’s that (because of the lack of redness, mostly).

Serenity was accessed via her port, like always. She screamed to high heaven, like always. It was over fairly quickly, thank goodness. They drew blood and everything came back fine. We took her down for another lumbar puncture. It took her a very long time to wake up. Maybe she was making up for last time. But she did wake up finally and it didn’t take her too long to get back to her old sweet self.

The dr told us that our next phase, Interim Maintenance, will be a little different than we had expected. The Children’s Oncology Group recently changed their recommendation so instead of oral methotrexate, they will give it intravenously. I confess I’m relieved. We have a hard enough time getting her to take her medicine. Also a friend of ours has a child with ALL and his oral chemo has really done a number on his mouth. He went nearly a week without eating anything because it was so painful. So although it means more trips up to Primary Children’s, and more gas money and time, I am glad we will be doing the chemotherapy intravenously. Apparently this is how they used to do it, then they switched to oral delivery, but about a month ago switched back after concluding that delivering intravenously lessened the risk of relapse.

So we are finishing up this Consolidation stage, then she gets a week off from clinic visits, and then we move to Interim Maintenance and I think our visits come every 10 days, rather than once a week. We are making progress!

Daddy’s girl.

Serenity: Daddy?
Me: Daddy is working.
Serenity: Bye bye?
Me: Yes, Daddy went bye bye to a meeting. He will snuggle you when he comes home.
Serenity: HOLD ME?!
Me: Yes, when he comes home he will hold you.
Serenity, giggling: Daddy HOLD ME!!!!
Accompanied by a huge grin.

Serenity: Daddy?

Me: Daddy is working.

Serenity: Bye bye?

Me: Yes, Daddy went bye bye to a meeting. He will snuggle you when he comes home.

Serenity: HOLD ME?!

Me: Yes, when he comes home he will hold you.

Serenity, giggling: Daddy HOLD ME!!!!

Accompanied by a huge grin.

Thank you

Serenity received a gift in the mail.

Needless to say, she was thrilled.
Serenity’s Amazon Wish List does not appear to be updating, so if you’ve bought her a gift and are wondering why it’s still showing up on her site, that’s why.

Serenity received a gift in the mail.

Needless to say, she was thrilled.

Serenity’s Amazon Wish List does not appear to be updating, so if you’ve bought her a gift and are wondering why it’s still showing up on her site, that’s why.

Announcing the first quarterly Serenity Foundation National Bloggers Blood Drive!

I’m really excited about this and I think it’s going to be REALLY cool! 
July 30th will be the first quarterly National Bloggers Blood Drive, this is a new project we’re organizing at The Serenity Foundation. 
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been working on organizing a new twist on blood drives and blogger/twitter meetups.  […]

National Bloggers Blood DriveI’m really excited about this and I think it’s going to be REALLY cool! 

July 30th will be the first quarterly National Bloggers Blood Drive, this is a new project we’re organizing at The Serenity Foundation. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been working on organizing a new twist on blood drives and blogger/twitter meetups.  It turns out that someone else recently did something similar in Austin, TX.  Michelle Greer just hosted a blood drive Tweetup in honor of her sister who has ALL (the same Leukemia that Serenity has).  They had a great response and turnout and I hope that we will as well! 

The big idea here is to make this a national, or even global, effort.  Bloggers around the world unite to save lives!  We’ve already had people volunteer to host local blood drives in 2 other locations: KirstenP wants to host one in Seattle and Michele is working to put one together in Chandler, AZ!  If you’re in either of those locations and want to help out, I’ll connect you with Kirsten and Michele.  If you would like to put one together in your location, let me know and we’ll help you with organization as much as we can. 

The goal is to use social networking, web 2.0 and all these new shiny things to really make a difference!  We’ll post stats about how much blood we collectively donated in one afternoon – and how many lives that blood will be able to save.  During the blood drive people will hopefully be blogging and tweeting the experience, sharing photos of the different locations, registering with Takes All Types, etc.  We should be able to make donating blood into a fun, cool, social experience.

Here’s the key to making this all work – every tweet, blog post, digg entry, stumble review, etc needs to be tagged with a common id.  I’ll be setting up aggregators that will scour the social web looking for entries that are tagged exactly like this: #tsfblood 

TSF is for The Serenity Foundation which is the new legacy project for Serenity.  The aggregators will be set up on the Serenity foundation’s website which is still being built but is at: http://www.TheSerenityFoundation.org once the site is finished all the updates and info about the blood drive and other projects will come from there. 

So that’s all the background info, here’s the info about the Utah drive. 

 July 30th, 2008 from 3pm to 8pm MST at Twelve Horses, 13961 Minuteman Dr. Suite 125.  We’re very grateful to 12 Horses for allowing us to use their offices and their wifi.

ARUP has some pretty cool stuff going on!  Everyone who donates blood at the Utah location (twelve horses) will be entered into two raffles – one is a raffle to win a car (2 year lease free) from Ken Garff Mitsubishi, this raffle goes on all summer and the winner will be drawn after September 12th.  The other raffle is for a $50 gas card at Maverick and will be just for our event – one of the people who donate with us will win the card!  In addition to that we’ll be serving food and watching movies during the event.  If you or your company are interested in sponsoring food purchases, please let me know and we’ll make sure you get plenty of coverage at the drive. 

And here’s the call to action:

Help spread the word!  Please Digg, Stumble, ReTweet and Reddit this post, invite all your friends to the Facebook event page, blog about it, post the plug-in or banner ad where-ever you can, install the soon to come facebook app or just mark your calendar and be a participant!  We should be able to get a great turnout and make a huge dent in the current blood shortage – and make a big difference in a lot of people’s lives!

Click here for all the info including the WordPress Plugin and banner ads for the event.


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