I have an confession to make.
We haven’t always been giving Serenity’s 6MP the way we are supposed to. Actually, I do not think that the clinic gave us any instructions aside from not combining it with dairy or citrus products. But I knew from my friends on the ALL list that it is supposed to be given 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before (always on an empty stomach).
We tried. We tried hard. In the beginning we would wake Serenity in the night to give it to her and she did NOT like it. She would kick and scream and spit it back into our face and we quickly decided that trying to get it in her at night was pointless.
So we switched to just before bed. I should mention here that she usually nurses to sleep, but I consoled myself with the knowledge that breastmilk is not the same as cow milk, and honestly, getting her to sleep without nursing is near impossible. (Actually it IS impossible if I am also trying to get the other little ones to bed.)
So I had gotten a little lax and there were even a few times that she ate before taking the medicine, but she is so thin that I wanted to let her eat whenever she was willing.
So lately on the list there has been some discussion of just how very important it is that the 6MP (which she takes daily, by the way, and will for 2 years) be taken on an empty stomach, at night, and especially not combined with dairy or citrus. And I started to worry and feel guilty and I followed the links and started looking at some of the research.
From what I can tell the compound in cow milk that interferes with the 6MP absorption is also found in breast milk. And it really IS important that she take it on an empty stomach. So I feel horrible, knowing that I should have been more stringent about all of this.
So I’m working on getting her to take it after she goes to sleep. She still doesn’t like this, so what I’ve been doing is giving it to her before bedtime, but then waking her up a few hours later and giving her a small dose of water. That way it doesn’t matter that she spits it out and gets upset. I’m hoping after I’ve done that for several nights, I can transition to just flavoring for a few nights, and by then maybe she will be accustomed to it and fight less. At that point I can start giving the medicine along with the flavoring.
I’ve explained to her that she can’t eat after she takes the medicine, and she understands and is being a good sport about it. It’s still hard to get the timing just right, because she still expects and needs to nurse at bedtime. Phil & I think that getting a timer will help so that we can “show” her when she can eat or drink again. And from here on out, I’ll just do better.