Still my low-ANC girl.

Today was another clinic visit. I expected the place to be packed but it was almost empty. That’s always nice. We were assigned to Room 3, which Serenity thought was very cool. 3 is her favorite number (because she is 3 years old).

Serenity got to talk to the Child Life Specialist for a few minutes. Serenity has asked to see her during the past few visits, but when things are crazy busy she’s not always easy to track down. This time she helped Serenity to pick out a toy. Phil & I laughed at the Care Bears toy that she played with. It was like a miniature doll house with all these different parts. Serenity picked up the big dinosaur-age computer and asked, “What’s this?” I don’t think she believed us that it was a computer because it was as big as the Care Bears and the chairs they sat on.

The appointment went quickly. Serenity has been especially bashful lately, so she kept her face hidden from the doctor and nurses most of the time. We managed to snap a few quick photos though!

Here she is getting her port cleaned, so that it can be accessed.

And getting her Vincristine (chemo).

She got to pick out a hat from the hat tree in the clinic.

I stopped by the pharmacy to pick up some Prevacid after her visit. It’s been a few months since we bought any, and I don’t know if our insurance was the same. The co-pay was $41! I was in shock. We’ve never had to pay more than $10 for anything. I only had $10 with me, so I left the medicine there. If she needs it we can have it transferred closer to home and pick it up in a few days.

Phil was laid off several weeks ago and we have no money coming in right now. He’s started applying for out of state jobs since so far nothing has come through locally. It will be a blessing if something comes through, but moving is complicated for the obvious reasons, but also because of Serenity’s treatment. If he is able to get a good paying job outside the state, it will mean him moving and most like I will stay here with the kids until she finishes treatment next year. We are praying that it doesn’t come to that. 🙁

Serenity seems to be feeling good, so we got a shock when the clinic called with her lab results. Her ANC is down to ZERO! I don’t know if it’s ever been that low. We always keep her out of public places when her ANC is low (less than 1000) but we are both very nervous that she’ll be exposed to something over the holidays. The good news – if you can call it that – is that she doesn’t get her oral chemo when her ANC is low. We’ve been holding her oral chemo for most of Oct and Nov now, so I do hope that her marrow responds soon and we see those numbers come back up.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here’s how it all happened:

Oct 1 – Serenity had a routine clinic visit for her intravenous vincristine. When we got the results of her blood draw, her ANC was quite low – only 400. (Anything under 500 is considered neutropenic.) We were told to hold her chemo (oral chemo, not the dose she’s just received) for 2 weeks and then her blood would be re-drawn and her ANC hopefully high enough to resume chemo. So although I was a bit worried that her counts were low, I thought it would be a nice break for her system from the chemo.

Oct 7 – Home Health nurse comes to take Serenity’s vital signs. No blood draw but everything else is good.

Oct 8 – Serenity wakes looking sick, with a fever, but it quickly disappears on its own and she is back to normal.

Oct 9 – Serenity wakes looking sick. Her fever of 101 degrees lasts for 2 hours, then I call the clinic. (I am supposed to call at one hour but things were crazy getting the other kids out the door for school, so it didn’t happen.) The oncology nurse wants me to take her to the nearest ER saying kids with a fever can get really sick, really fast. We compromise by me agreeing to phone the clinic when I get to American Fork after dropping the twins off with my mother in law. Her fever is 100 degrees by that time and she looks fine, but the clinic wants me to bring her in. Her ANC is only 100, and after some IV antibiotics and some discussion she is admitted to the Immune Compromised ward.

Oct 10 – Her ANC is up to 200.

Oct 11 – Her ANC is back down to 100, but no fever for 24 hours and she looks great. She is bouncing on the bed and asking to go home. We are discharged, which I had mixed feelings about. I was ready to be home, but several kids at home have sore throats and I am worried about her low ANC.

Oct 12 – Home Health is back again, to do a blood draw. Her vitals are good and she is feeling alright, although she is particularly cross today and throw several MAJOR tantrums, which is unlike her. Her ANC is back up to 400, but the clinic wants to see her tomorrow for another blood draw.

at clinic

Day 2 of our Make a Wish Trip to DisneyWorld

So, no DisneyWorld yet, but we’ll be there tomorrow!

This morning we were able to visit Goofie, Pluto, Belle, Mickey and Minnie and get our pictures taken with them. Serenity wasn’t too sure about the guys in dog costumes, or the mice, but she was definitely comfortable with Belle! She had fun hanging out with a fellow Princess.

After photos we had breakfast and visited the park here for a while. Then we headed over to GatorLand to spend some time with the Aligators – Talysa was the brave one!

We’re pretty sure Kaniho was hoping to meet some girls here – but I doubt he thought he’d end up kissing Minnie Mouse!

We were planning on watching the Space Shuttle launch tonight but they changed it (again) to tomorrow night. We’re hoping we can catch it then.
Needless to say, we’re all pretty worn out – can’t wait to see how we feel after tomorrow. All day at DisneyWorld is going to wipe us out!

Make a Wish Trip – Day 1

Today was a LOONG day! We started out leaving a half hour later than we wanted to to head for the airport. I managed to make up most of the time during the drive though – don’t ask. 🙂 So after chasing 7 kids around all morning, then driving to the airport for an hour, we got on a plane for four hours. What a lovely time. About 2 minutes after we were airborne, the excitement of being on a plane wore off for the kids and the reality of being strapped into an uncomfortable chair for 4 hours really settled in on them. To their credit, they did a pretty good job of keeping quiet for most of the time.

I need to diverge for a second. 6 days ago Indigo (our 4 year old daughter) fell on the concrete and landed on the underside of her chin resulting in it being split very wide open. We took her in and she had to get 6 stitches that had to stay in 5 days – so they came out yesterday night.

Well, no sooner had we landed then a stir crazy Indigo started messing around in the aisles while we were waiting to de-plane. Somehow she managed to end up on the floor and getting her chin stepped on by Gibson. There are about 300 people standing in the aisle and suddenly she is bleeding everywhere! I had to “excuse me” towards the back of the plane to get paper towells and take care of her. Turns out her chin now looks pretty much like it did a week ago. So now I’ve got blood all down me, she is covered in it and there’s some on the seat. Our clothes looked like a mass murder had taken place. Fortunately a good woman handed me a bandage (mine were all checked underneath) that I promptly slapped on her chin.

After we finally exited the plane (in what felt like the slowest de-plane in history) we met up with a rep from Give Kids the World who was holding a big sign for Serenity. We rented a 12 passenger van and made our way to the GKTW Village. This place is magical! The whole place is a playground for kids! We are staying in what looks like a candy house (pictures coming tomorrow) and is right across the street from a lifesize Candyland game! That place looks just like the board game!

We got settled into our cottage and then went to dinner followed by all you can eat ice cream for desert! The kids went and participated in “Village Idol” – a contest for the kids to perform for everyone. In an interesting turn, the judges just could not decide on a winner and so all the participants won!

We headed back to the cottage and got settled in for the night – then everyone decided to order late night pizza. Did I mention that all this food and the lodging – in fact EVERY SINGLE THING is free?!?

So now everyone is crashed and for some reason I’m up blogging. Wow. Time for me to go to bed, it’s 1:25 here! We’ve been taking lots of video and pictures, I’ll get some put up tomorrow.