I have low ANC mom!

Serenity cracks me up. She asks me almost daily, “Is my ANC low or high?” She illustrates low and high by putting her hand close to the floor or by her head. She knows that low ANC means she won’t be going to church or preschool, so in her mind low ANC is a good thing. 😉 (She doesn’t like to be anywhere without either Phil or I.)

Her ANC is at 500 today, so she is still taking a break from oral chemo. We will have another blood draw on Monday to see where she is at.

She despises the taste of the Flagyl she is taking for C diff. So Phil devised a method that includes a quick shot of medicine flavored with orange syrup, followed by a drink of milk and a Skittle. So far she’s been cooperative and the other kids love the fact that they get a Skittle as well.

Glad to be home

We are back home, and happier for it. 🙂

Serenity’s labwork came back positive for rhinovirus (a cold) and so we were discharged Friday afternoon. She hasn’t had a fever since Thursday night and appears to be feeling much better. She will have another CBC tomorrow and hopefully her ANC will have come up since it was still 400 at last check.

I got a call today that she tested positive for C diff. No wonder she has been complaining about tummy pain! She’s had bright green diarrhea and smelly gas for the past couple of days. She has a prescription now to take Flagyll for 14 days, so hopefully she will be feeling better quickly.

I am still feeling yucky so I think I must have the flu. I don’t think I’ve had it before and since I don’t feel like lying down to die I had assumed it was something else. But this is dragging on for more than a week now, and I have little energy and have been really weepy, so perhaps it’s a mild case. If only I knew for sure, so I could get out of getting the flu vaccine. 😉


We came in to the hospital this morning because Serenity woke with a 102 fever and chills, achiness, and cough. It looks like the flu, so that combined with an ANC of 400 means they are keeping her overnight. If she looks good tomorrow & flu results come back positive then we may go home tomorrow. If flu results are neg or it turns out to be a bacterial infection we may be here longer. Her bloodwork seems to indicate it could be the beginnings of a bacterial infection (high % of bands) but her doctor thinks it is probably not.

They are giving her tamiflu so hopefully she will feel better quickly.

Last week

This past weekend was a fun one. Our family camped at Bear Lake for the Halloween weekend and the kids really had a lot of fun. We took a few photos so I’ll try and make time to post them in the next couple of days.

Serenity also had another clinic visit. Her counts are good so she is back to 100% chemo. And she only has 9 months left of treatment! I am amazed that we are so close to the finish line. In some ways it’s a little bit scary to me, the thought of stopping chemo at that point.

A huge thank you to our friends in Issaquah

A group of homeschool teens decided to do a fundraiser for Serenity several months ago. The timing of the money was perfect; things are really tight this month. It just amazes me that these young people who have never met her would decide to do this. This is just one example of the generosity and love that’s been shown for serenity by many people. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts.