7 things

Serenity has been tagged by Mollie. Here are 7 things that you might not know about her.

1. My parents always intended to name me Zion. When my mom went into labor and she & my dad still disagreed about whether to spell it with an X or a Z, they started looking at other names. If I’d been born on July 4th I would have been named Liberty. Instead I was born on July 6th and they chose Serenity Margaret. Margaret was my great grandmother’s name and my grandmother’s middle name. I’ve lived up to the name Serenity. 🙂

2. I was born at home in the water, and weighed 9 lbs 11 oz.

3. I have 4 older sisters and 3 older brothers. My 3 yr old brother and sister (twins) refer to me as Baby.

4. My parents give me a few sips of Pepsi or Mountain Dew after I take my medicine. My mom feels a little guilty, but it’s the only thing that convinced me to cooperate with taking my medicine, and what’s a little caffeinated soda when you take chemotherapy every day?

5. My favorite candy is peanut butter M&Ms.

6. I have a cute little birthmark on my elbow.

7. I often put a blanket over my head and tell everyone I’m gone. I get a big kick out of watching them look for me. I also love to pretend that I’m a bear.

I’m tagging anyone who is reading this, but especially Brinley.

2 thoughts on “7 things”

  1. Serenity, I think your name goes better with Margaret than X/Zion would have 🙂 but don’t be surprised if you end up wishing your parents had named you that. My mom told me she was going to call me Aimee, and I immediately started wanting that name.

    And you were bigger than my biggest baby! I had a 9 lb 4 oz’er. I love big babies!

    And lots of brothers and sisters means lots of love.

    Tell your parents that I said you can have as much Mountain Dew as you want…but please tell them to give you Coke instead of Pepsi.

    My favorite candy is Peanut M&Ms, but we won’t split hairs over that difference 🙂

    I have a birthmark on the back of my neck. Does yours look like a specific shape?

    My little girl who is your age likes to play hide and seek too. I will have to ask her to pretend to be an animal. I wonder which one she will choose…

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