Yesterday’s blood drive was a success. The people at Twelve Horses are awesome. Not only did they allow us use of their office space, but they provided food, drinks, and a complete Rock Band set up.
We had quite a few people show up and so there was a steady stream of donors. It was fun to hang out and visit and even Serenity had a good time. I’d been afraid she would get bored being there for 5 hours but she really enjoyed it.
THANK YOU to everyone who blogged, twittered, and spread the word. We got 23 units of blood, which ARUP says can save up to 69 lives. I was very impressed with the number of first time donors that showed up, and people who’d had a bad experience donating in the past, and people who saw our signs and walked in off the street. There was even one wonderful girl who let them stick both arms trying to get a good vein.
We plan to do another one in October, in multiple locations. You might not think donating blood could be “fun” but it really was.