Yesterday was another clinic visit.

Serenity cried a lot and seemed out of sorts on the trip up. We gave her oxycodone with her lunch because she was in so much pain. So it was a pleasant surprise at the clinic to find out that her numbers were high enough that she didn’t need a blood or platelet […]

Serenity cried a lot and seemed out of sorts on the trip up. We gave her oxycodone with her lunch because she was in so much pain. So it was a pleasant surprise at the clinic to find out that her numbers were high enough that she didn’t need a blood or platelet transfusion. Up until now she has had them weekly, often more frequently.

So rather than our visit taking all afternoon, we just hung around for a bit until her chemo was ready. In the meantime the oxycodone kicked in and she played some and ate quite a bit.

On the way home from the clinic we stopped off at Serenity’s awesome pediatrician’s office where she was greeted by lots of staff who hadn’t since her since the day of her diagnosis. By this point she was feeling poorly again so she didn’t get to enjoy the presents they gave her.

Then we went next door to visit my sister in law, who just had a baby girl. I forgot to take a photo but her baby is so adorable and sweet. There is nothing like holding a newborn, just a few hours old and fresh from God. Serenity perked up a little bit because she loves babies so.

Finally it was time to go home.

It is so nice on clinic days (or any other long day) and be able to pop a Dream Dinners meal in the oven. The meals are all prepared ahead of time and frozen, so I just stick the pan in the oven & when it’s done clean up is easy. The ladies at Dream Dinners even did all the prep work for me when they heard about Serenity’s leukemia. I can’t say enough good things about Dream Dinners. So far we have only tried a few things but every one has been really delicious!

One thought on “Yesterday was another clinic visit.”

  1. I did Dream Dinners before my last pregnancy so I could have meals ready after the birth. That’s such a good idea for y’all. And we didn’t have a bad one either.

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